Research Team
Prof Richard Reilly
Professor of Neural Engineering and Ageing
Postdoctoral Researchers
PhD Researchers
Luca Longo
Leo Lundy
Louise Newman
Research Engineers
Ailsa Yale
Svit Pestotnik Stres
Eugene O'Rourke
MSc Researchers 2024 -2025
Anya Trubeljia
Meng XiaoXiao
Ximbo Yang
MAI Researchers 2024-2025
Aoibheann Gill
Daniel Diez Clarke
Visiting Research Fellow Researchers
Dr Stefan Radu Bostan (Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Driogheda)
Elena Spasova (Beaumont Hospital)
Dr Clodagh O’Keeffe (Dublin Neurological Institute,Mater Misericordiae Hospital )
Dr Michael Crosse (Sagentia)
Dr Isabelle Killane (Technical University of Dublin)
Dr Conor Fearon (Mater Misericordiae Hospital and St Vincent University Hospital)
Sarah Lavelle (University of Pennsylvania)
Dr Shameer Rafee (St Vincent's University Hospital)
Dr Terence Taylor (Vitalograph Ltd.)
Academic Visitors to the Lab
Dr Diana Olszewska (2025-2027)
Professor Yaniv Zigel (2016-2017)
Professor Tadisha Isa (2016)
Postdoctoral Alumni of the Reilly Lab since 2015
Dr Clodagh O’Keeffe (2020-2023)
Dr Michael Crosse (2022)
Dr Giovanni Di Liberto (2020-2021)
Dr Nate Zuk (2018-2020)
Dr Rebecca Beck (2015-2018)
Dr Celine De Looze (2014-2018)
Dr Isabelle Killane (2014-2018)
Dr John Butler (2013-2015)
Dr Myles McLaughlin (2011-2015)
Recent Alumni
Bart Fryc MSc
Kenki Miyauchi. MSc
Tom Fitzgerald. MAI
Thomas Hartigan MAI
Alex Kennedy. MAI
PhD and MSc Alumni of the Reilly Lab at Trinity College Dublin
Theme A (Active Implantable Devices)
1. Hartigan T. (2023-2024), MSc: Improving neurosurgical planning in focal epilepsy seizure surgery using StereoEEG-based source localisation and multimodal neuroimaging
2. Lavelle S. (2022-2023), MSc: Improving neurosurgical planning in focal epilepsy seizure surgery using StereoEEG-based source localisation and multimodal neuroimaging
3. O’Donnell A. (2021-2022), MSc: Neurosurgical Planning based on neuroimaging
4. Rogers A (2021-2022), MSc: Closed loop control for transcutaneous spinal stimulation
5. Thakor R (2021-2022), MSc: Personalized Cervicothoracic Transcutaneous Spinal Cord Stimulation Based On MRI Data
6. O’Reilly O. (2020-2021), MSc: Neurosurgical Planning based on neuroimaging and electrophysiology from implanted electrodes
7. Waechter S. (2018), PhD: Electrophysiological Objective Measures of Auditory Temporal Perception in Cochlear Implants Users
8. Hablani S. (2017), MSc: Electrophysiological Objective Measures of Fine Temporal Processing in Cochlear Implants Users
9. Sechler S (2016), MSc: Electrophysiological Measures of Spatial Awareness in Cochlear Implants Users.
10. Lopez-Valdes A. (2016), PhD: Electrophysiological Objective Measures of Auditory Spectral Perception in Cochlear Implants
11. Lau C. (2016), MAI: Electrophysiological Measures of Speech Perception in Cochlear Implants Users.
12. McNamara, H. (2014), MSc: Neuronal substrate of procedural memory: Ensemble investigation of rodent basal ganglia
13. Leijsen A. (2014), MSc: Spectral Ripple Mismatch Negativity in Speech Perception in Cochlear Implants Users.
14. Krijser L. (2011), MSc: Thin filament electrode design for deep brain recording
15. Van Dort M. (2011), MSc: Closed loop recording and stimulation in implanted devices.
16. Lopez-Valdes A. (2012), MSc: Mathematical processing of audio cues for improve hearing with cochlear implants
17. Chah E. (2012), PhD: Mathematical processing of electrophysiology with applications to implanted electrodes
18. Steinemann, N (2012), MSc: Mathematical modelling of head direction cells
19. Noor S, (2012), MSc: Recording of hippocampal place cells in freely moving animals
Theme B (Neurophysiological of Sensory and Cognition Processing in Movement Disorders)
1. Fitzgerald T. (2023-2024) MSc: Multimodal analysis of the biomechanical contributors during the Sit-to-Stand transition contributing to Gait Disorders in Parkinson’s Disease
2. Mayuachi, K. (2023-2024) MSc: Perceptual decision-making as a product of impaired Superior Collicular processing with implications to Cervical Dystonia
3. Rafee S. (2019-2023), PhD: Clinical, genetic and neurophysiological features of psychiatric and cognitive symptoms in cervical dystonia and the role of the superior colliculus with Dr Michael Hutchinson)
4. Lloyd R. (2022-2023), MSc: Cognitive Interference in Postural Control as a Novel Biomarker for Parkinsonian Disorders
5. Lakhotiya M. (2022-2023), MSc: A protocol to quantify perceptual decision-making as a product of impaired Superior Collicular processing with implications to Cervical Dystonia
6. Kelly D. (2022-2023), MSc: Social Cognition in Cervical Dystonia: Assessing the Colliculur-Pulvinar-Amygdala pathway by functional MRI
7. King R. (2022-2023), MSc: Neural Biomarker-Based Platform for Dystonia Diagnosis using Deep Learning
8. Elliott H. (2022-2023), MSc: Novel Free-Viewing Eye Tracking in Parkinson’s Disease and Correlation with Clinical Assessment Scores
9. Cullan K (2021-2022), MSc: Ambulatory EEG, Gait and Neurodegeneration: Using gait to predict cognitive decline
10. Flaterty A. (2021-2022), MSc: Pre-motor syndromes of cervical dystonia: MRI neuroimaging in Neurology
11. O’Connor O (2021-2022), MSc: Postural control in cervical dystonia
12. O’Driscoil M. (2021-2022), MSc: Speech as a window into Social Cognition in Cervical Dystonia
13. Herings C. (2020-2021), MSc: Electrophysiological Based assessment of Emotional Face Processing in Dystonia
14. Coffey C. (2020-2021), MSc: Instrumentation for assessing temporal discrimination in clinical cohorts
15. Kelleher R. (2020-2021), MSc: Neuroimaging Based assessment of Emotional Face Processing in Dystonia
16. Alley M. (2020-2021), MSc: Instrumentation for assessing temporal discrimination in clinical cohorts
17. Franklin C. (2020-2021), MSc: A Methodology for the Analysis of Sensorimotor Network Activity in Spasmodic Dysphonia during Speech Production
18. O’Keeffe C. (2016-2020), PhD: Postural Instability as an Endophenotype for early Dysfunction and Decline in Neurodevelopmental Disorders
19. Etzelmueller M (2019-), MSc A Prospective study of multimodal biomarkers for progressive multiple sclerosis.
20. Kennedy G (2020), MSc: Electrophysiological Based assessment of Emotional Face Processing in Dystonia
21. Bostan S. (2020), MSc: Electrophysiological Based assessment of Emotional Face Processing in Dystonia
22. Breen, N. (2020), MSc: Temporal Discrimination in Cervical Dystonia
23. Gaul, A. (2020), MAI: Postural Instability as an Endophenotype for early Dysfunction and Decline in Neurodevelopmental Disorders
24. Narasimham S. (2019), PhD: Neuroimaging investigations of mid-brain functional activity in Dystonia
25. Perez Denia M. (2019), MSc: Acoustic Analysis of Musicians Dystonia
26. Monahan J (2019), MSc: Electrophysiological Based assessment of Emotional Face Processing in Dystonia
27. Purcell S. (2019), MSc: Electrophysiological Based assessment of Emotional Face Processing in Dystonia
28. Dominquez M (2019), MAI: Postural Instability as an Endophenotype for early Dysfunction and Decline in Neurodevelopmental Disorders
29. Duggan O. (2019), MAI: Neuroimaging investigations of mid-brain functional activity in Dystonia
30. Quinlivan B. (2013-2017), PhD: Neurophysiological Analysis of cortico-basal ganglia interactions in Dystonia
31. Birsanu D. (2017), MSc: Electrophysiological based studies into the pathophysiology of Parkin and Parkinson’s Disease
32. Sundararajan V. (2017), MAI: Neuroimaging investigations of mid-brain functional activity in Dystonia
33. Fearon C. (2016), PhD: Electrophysiological based studies into the pathophysiology of Freezing of Gait in Parkinson’s Disease
34. Melis E. (2016), MSc: Electrophysiological Connectivity analysis of Neuroimaging data from Neurodevelopmental Disorders
35. Killian O. (2016), MSc: Neurophysiological Analysis of cortico-basal ganglia interactions in Dystonia
36. Baird E. (2016), MAI: Electrophysiological Investigations into Freezing of Gait.
37. Narasimham S. (2015), MSc: Electrophysiological investigations in Looming Stimuli and its relevance to movement disorders
38. Markicevic M (2015), MSc: Neuroimaging of Cancer-related fatigue
39. Waechter S. (2014), MSc: Neuroimaging during ambulation for a study of Freezing of Gait in Parkinson’s Disease
40. Abdur R. (2014), MSc: Electrophysiological investigations in Looming Stimuli and its relevance to movement disorders
41. Cheshire R. (2013), MSc: Electrophysiological Investigations into Freezing of Gait.
42. Gallego, J. (2013), MSc: Ambulatory neuroimaging of Freezing of Gait.
43. Anggraini, D. (2013), MSc: Neuroimaging of interactions between motor and cognitive cognition.
44. Bradley D. (2012), PhD: Temporal Discrimination Threshold as an endophenotype in adult onset primary torsion dystonia
45. Dabacan A. (2012), MSc Temporal Discrimination Threshold Assessment in Dystonia
46. Fanning A. (2012), MSc Temporal Discrimination Threshold Assessment in Dystonia
Theme C (Neural Signal Processing and Neural Signal Processing with application to ageing)
1. Fryc B. (2023-2024), MSc: Speech and Gait as a window into cognition in neurodegeneration
2. Donders E (2021-2022), MSc: Real Time Joint Angle Calculations and a Visual Feedback System in Rehabilitation for Movement Disorders
3. Gill C (2020-2021), MSc: Closed loop control for transcutaneous spinal stimulation
4. Herings P. (2020-2021), MSc: Nonlinear analysis of gait dynamics
5. Caslin H. (2020-2021), MSc: Calculation of minimum toe clearance in neurodegeneration
6. O’Flatery E. (2017-2020), MSc: Neurophysiology of eye tracking younger cohorts (co-supervision with Dr. J. McHugh, School of Medicine).
7. Doherty K. (2020-2021), MSc: Dynamic gait assessment in elite athletes
8. O’Higgins C. (2019), PhD: Neuroimaging of Cancer-related fatigue (co-supervision with Prof. Walsh, School of Medicine).
9. Oliveira I. (2019), MAI: Multimodal Cardiovascular Modelling for Predicting and Preventing Disability
10. Taylor T. (2017), PhD: Bioacoustic analysis of respiratory function
11. Rice A. (2017), MAI: Neuroimaging of Cancer-related fatigue
12. McNulty J. (2017), MAI: Bioacoustic analysis of respiratory function
13. McDevitt N. (2013-2017), PhD: Electrophysiological analysis of Neurodevelopmental Disorders (co-PI Prof. Gallagher, Sch. of Med.).
14. Creagh A. (2016), MSc: Gait as a window into cognitive function.
15. MacCartan T. (2016), MSc: Bioacoutsic analysis of respiratory function.
16. Maguire F. (2016), MSc: Gait as a window into cognitive function.
17. Holmes M. (2015), PhD: Bioacoustic analysis of respiratory function.
18. Foran T. (2015), PhD: Gait Analysis from triaxial accelerometry. (co-supervision with Prof. Kenny, School of Medicine).
19. Killane I. (2014), PhD: Gait as a window into cognitive function.
20. Burke L. (2014) MSc: Speech derived measures of cognitive impairment during chemotherapy
21. Newman L. (2014), MSc: Neuroimaging of Cancer-related fatigue
22. Koller, S (2014), MSc: Speech derived measures of cognitive impairment during chemotherapy
23. Killidil R. (2014), MSc: Neuroimaging of Cancer-related fatigue
24. Taboada L (2017), MSc: Postural Instability as an Endophenotype for early Dysfunction and Decline in Neurodevelopmental Disorders
25. Rapcan V. (2013), PhD: Speech and language processing in cognitive function assessment.
26. Hintze J. (2013), MSc: Bioacoustic analysis of respiratory signals.
27. McDevitt N. (2013), MSc: Electrophysiological analysis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. (with Prof. Gallagher, School of Medicine).
28. Cosgrave N (2023), MSc: Electrophysiological analysis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. (with Prof. Gallagher, School of Medicine).
29. ASM Shamsul Arefin (2012), MSc Quantitative EEG analysis of task induced epilepsy
30. Reynolds N., (2012), MSc Diffusion Tensor Imaging of task induced epilepsy
31. Mooney E. (2012), MSc Tremor Assessment in Neurological Disorders.
32. Kiiski H. (2012), PhD: Neurophysiological Assessment of cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis.
33. Nolan H. (2012), PhD: Multisensory Integration in the Vestibular System
34. Rueda-Delgado L. (2012), MSc: Quantitative analysis of acute brain injury.
35. Murphy C (2011), MSc: Forced Oscillatory Measurements in Pulmonary Diseases
36. Sobolewski R. (2011), MSc: An investigation of Cognitive Aging: an EEG study.
Theme D: Biomedical Signal Processing
1. Meredith S. (2011), PhD: Diffusion Imaging: A Fast Marching Approach to Tractography (with Dr. Kathleen Curran)
2. Power A. (2011), PhD: Endogenous Auditory Spatial Attention in Auditory Cortex.
3. Nolan D (2011), MSc: Analysis of the aortic valve dynamics using endolumenal measurements.
4. Cheung M (2011), MSc: Assessment kinematic movement in fMRI.
5. Brennan C (2011), MSc: Influence of dual tasking on gait variability
6. Browett G. (2010), MSc: Artefact Rejection in movement based EEG Studies.
7. Moran R.C. (2008), PhD: Neural Mass Models of the Electroencephalogram-a unifying framework.
8. Pitorac D.M. (2009), MSc: Automatically Adapting Mattress for the Prevention of Pressure Sores and Ulceration.
9. Lahart F. (2008), MSc: Home based Stroke Rehabilitation.
10. Roche J. (2008), MSc: Use of Abdominal Pressure for orthostatic tolerance in patients with autonomic failure.
11. Lalor E. (2007), PhD: Neural Engineering Methods in Visual Neuroscience.
12. Greene B. (2007), PhD: Quantification and Classification of Electrophysiological Seizure in the Neonate.
13. Kelly S. (2005), PhD: Electrophysiological studies of the Human Attention System.
14. Scanlon P. (2005), PhD: Audio and Visual Features for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition.
15. Sharma P. (2005), PhD: Face Detection with application to Video Segmentation.
16. Fox N. (2005), PhD: Audio and Video based Person Identification.
17. Maguire C. (2004), MEngSc: Automatic Classification for Vocal Pathology.
18. Smith R. (2004), MEngSc: Signal Processing of EEG for Brain Computer Interfaces.
19. O’Dwyer M. (2004), MEngSc: ECG Pattern Recognition using two level classifiers.
20. Gray M. (2003), MEngSc: Video compression using for Wireless networks.
21. Kat Woon L. (2003), MEngSc: Bluetooth based Video and Image Transmission.
22. McInerney S. (2001), MEngSc: VLSI cores for Pattern Recognition applications.
23. Harper P. (2000), MEngSc: Object Segmentation using Level Sets.
24. McCue M. (2000), MEngSc: EMG Signal Analysis” (with Prof. Mark O’Malley)
25. Bray D. (1999), MEngSc: Abdominal Bowel Sounds” (with Dr Brendan McCormack)
Click on a photo to go to their personalised page

Gallery of Images from the lab
Conor Gill presenting at IEEE EMBC 2022
Graduation of Dr Narasimham June 2022
Graduation of Dr O’Keeffe April 2022
Graduation of Dr Waechter December 2019
Graduation of Sarah Purcell MSc and Jack Monahan MSc September 2019
MAI Theses submission from Manuel Carro Dominguez, Isadora de Melo Oliviera and Oisin Duggan April 2019
Ciara O’Higgins PhD Defense April 2019
Saskia Waechter PhD Defense March 2019
Graduation of Dr Quinlivan November 2018
Graduation of Dr Taylor November 2018
Graduation of Surbhi Hablani MSc, Laura Taboada MSc and Dorina Birsanu MSc April 2018
Brendan Quinlivan PhD Defense October 2017
Prof Yaniv Zigel August 2017
Graduation of Dr Alejandro Lopez July 2017
Ciara O'Higgins presenting at Annual Meeting on Supportive Care in Cancer Washington DC June 2017
Dr Conor Fearon presenting at Movement Disorder, Vancouver June 2017
Alejandro Lopez PhD Defence
Shruti Narasimham presenting at SFN San Diego November 2016
Lab Social August 2016
IBM visit to lab June 2016
Graduation for Dr Martin Holmes August 2015