Clodagh O'Keeffe


Trinity Centre for Bioengineering,
Trinity College Institute for Neuroscience,
Trinity College Dublin,
Dublin 2



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Biographical Information

Clodagh received a BA in Psychology from University College Dublin, in 2014. She then went on to complete an MSc. in Neuroscience in Trinity College, from which she graduated with distinction. The focus of the thesis was on the characterization of cognitive and motor deficits seen in carriers of the fragile X premutation, with a view to identifying endophenotypes of the neurodegenerative movement disorder ‘Fragile X Associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome’.

In September 2016, Clodagh was awarded the Irish Research Council Enterprise Partnership Scheme Postgraduate Scholarship to further her research into postural stability as a measure of neurodegeneration, and so began her PhD candidacy in the Reilly Lab.

Research Interests

Using a multi-modal approach to identify potential biomarkers of neurodegenerative movement disorders, through cognitive, postural,  and electrophysiological methods. 

Publications in International Reviewed Journals

Yap M,  Etzelmueller MS, O'Keeffe C, Gaughan M,  Kearney H,  Tubridy N,  Reilly RB,  McGuigan C, (2021) Postural Stability is a valid and meaningful Disability Metric in Progressive MS with potential for use in Neuroprotective Therapy Trials, Multiple Sclerosis and Related disorders, doi.:10.1016/j.msard.2021.102946

SM Yap, M Etzelmueller, C O’Keeffe, M Gaughan, RB Reilly, C McGuigan, (2020) Preliminary validation of static posturography as a disability outcome measure in progressive multiple sclerosis. Journal of Multiple Sclerosis. (Under Review). 

C O'Keeffe, N Mc. Devitt, L Gallagher T Lynch, RB Reilly, (2019) Complexity Based Measures of Postural Stability Provide Novel Evidence of Functional Decline in Fragile X Premutation Carriers, Journal of Neural Engineering and Rehabilitation. 16(1), 87. doi:10.1186/s12984-019-0560-6

Proceedings Papers from International Conferences

O’Keeffe C, Gill C, Etzelmueller, M, Taylor C, Hablani S, Fleming N, Reilly RB, (2022) Effect of Initial Knee angle and Arm Facilitation of biomechanics of the Sit-to-Stand movement. 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) (EMBC)Conference Proceedings, Glasgow, Scotland 

Fleming N, Taylor C, Etzelmueller M, Gill C, O’Keeffe C, Mahony N, Reilly RB, (2022) Selectivity of upper limb posterior root muscle reflexes via cervicothoracic spinal cord stimulation. 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) Glasgow, Scotland

Etzelmueller M, Yap SM, O’Keeffe C, Gaughan M, McGuigan C, Reilly RB (2020), Multiscale entropy derived complexity index analysis demonstrates significant mediolateral sway in persons with multiple sclerosis compared to healthy controls. 2020 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), Conference Proceedings, pp: 5176-5179 Montreal, Canada (Virtual Conference) 

Gaul A, O’Keeffe C, Carro Domínguez M, O’Rourke E, Reilly RB, (2020) Quantification of Neural Activity in FMR1 Premutation Carriers During a Dynamic Sway Task Using Source Localization, 42th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), Conference Proceedings, pp:2909-2912, Montreal, Canada (Virtual Conference). 

O’Keeffe C,  Carro Domínguez M,  O’Rourke E, Lynch T, Reilly RB, (2020) Decreased Theta Power Reflects Disruption in Postural Control Networks of Fragile X Premutation Carriers, . 42th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Biology and Medicine Society Conference Proceedings, , pp:  2845-2848, Montreal, Canada. (Virtual Conference).

Carro Domínguez M, O’Keeffe C, O’Rourke E, Feerick N, Reilly RB, Cortical Theta Activity and Postural Control in non-visual and high Cognitive Load Tasks: Impact for postural control clinical studies. (2019) . 41thAnnual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Biology and Medicine Society Conference Proceedings, pp: 1539-1542, Berlin, Germany. 

O’Keeffe C, Taboada LP, McDevitt N, Gallagher L, Lynch T, Reilly RB. (2019) Employing an Entropy-based Measure of Sway to Probe Postural Instability in Fragile X Premutation Carriers, 9th  9th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), Conference Proceedings, pp: 259-262 San Francisco, USA. 


Podium Presentations at International Conferences

O’Keeffe C,  Carro Domínguez M,  O’Rourke E, Lynch T, Reilly RB, (2020) Decreased Theta Power Reflects Disruption in Postural Control Networks of Fragile X Premutation Carriers, Engineering in Biology and Medicine Conference Proceedings, Montreal, Canada. (Virtual Conference).

Carro Domínguez M, O’Keeffe C, O’Rourke E, Feerick N, Reilly RB, Cortical Theta Activity and Postural Control in non-visual and high Cognitive Load Tasks: Impact for postural control clinical studies. (2019) Engineering in Biology and Medicine Conference Proceedings, Berlin, Germany. 

O’Keeffe C, Taboada LP, McDevitt N, Gallagher L, Lynch T, Reilly RB. (2019) Employing an Entropy-based Measure of Sway to Probe Postural Instability in Fragile X Premutation Carriers, International IEEE Conference on Neural Engineering Proceedings, San Francisco, USA. 

C. O'Keeffe, N. Mc. Devitt, T. Lynch, R.B. Reilly, Delineating Cognitive-Motor Interference in Postural stability of Fragile X premutation Carriers  using a Dual Task Paradigm. 3rd International Conference of FMR1 Premutation, Jerusalem, Sept 2017. 

N. McDevitt, R.B. Reilly, C. O'Keeffe, L. Gallagher, Are Stress and Anxiety related, in part, to parenting a child with a developmental disability?. 3rd International Conference of FMR1 Premutation, Jerusalem, Sept 2017. 


Poster Presentations at Conferences

C. O'Keeffe, N. McDevitt, T. Lynch, R.B. Reilly. Characterisation of the Cognitive and Postural Impact of the Fragile X Premutation. Young Neuroscientist Symposium, Dublin. September 2016. 

L. Taboada, C. O'Keeffe, N. McDevitt, R.B. Reilly. Centre of Pressure Regularity as a Marker for Fragile X Premutation Carriers.  Bioengineering in Ireland, January 2017.





Podium Presentation at the 3rd International Conference

of the FMR1 Premutation, Jerusalem 2017.