Sensory and Cognitive Processing in Movement Disorders


Role of Superior Colliculus in Cervical Dystonia

Neuroimaging and experimental methods to test the hypothesis that cervical dystonia is caused by defective inhibition of sensory and motor neurons in the superior colliculus as a result of reduced gamma-aminobutyric acid activity.   Learn more here


Abnormal Temporal Discrimination as a marker of gene carriage in Dystonia

The temporal discrimination threshold, the
shortest time interval at which a subject can detect two separate stimuli as being
asynchronous, is abnormal in both patients with cervical dystonia and their unaffected first degree relatives is posited as an endophenotype.  Learn more here



Freezing of Gait

Developing quantitative measures of sensory, motor and cognitive function and to compare differences in these measures in Persons with Parkinson's Disease with and without FOG to determine whether true deficits in these domains exist. Learn more here

Objective Measures in Cochlear Implants

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Neurophysiological Assessment of Spectral and Temporal Processing

Developing EEG based methods to longitudinally assess spectral and temporal processing in Cochlear Implants users using acoustically rich stimuli.   Read more here



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Single-channel electroencephalography in cochlear implant users

Developing single channel EEG systems and artifact attenuation methodology for clean acquisition of cortical auditory evoked potentials from cochlear implant users.
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Spatial Processing

Developing clinical tools for measuring spatial sound localization abilities of bilateral CI users.  Read more here

Sensory and Cognitive Processing in Ageing

The Influence of Cognition on Gait in older Adults

Probing the influence of cognitive processing based on gait data, specifically the bidirectional links between executive and motor activity. Lean more here.


Motoric Cognitive Risk

Validating Motoric Cognitive Risk (MCR) syndrome in the Irish population and investigating the efficacy of a modified-MCR at identifying those with poor motor performance and cognitive impairment.  Lean more here. 

Interaction of Speech and Cognition

Investigating interpersonal communication between a person with dementia and their caregivers, to identifying speech markers for the early diagnosis of cognitive functioning; andevaluating the impact interpersonal communication has on the self-esteem, social engagement and well-being of a person with dementia and on caregivers' emotional distress.  Lean more here.

Biomedical Signal Processing

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Acoustic Analysis in Respiratory Medicine

Acoustic analysis of inhaler events to provide objective measures of adherence to medication.  Learn more here



NeuroDevelopmental Disorders

Characterization of the underlying neural mechanisms of FXS in order to develop clinically useful biomarkers as endpoints for treatments.   Learn more here.

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Cancer Related Fatigue

Investigatingchanges in corticomuscular coupling which occur during fatigue in newly diagnosed, pre-and post- treatment cancer patients